Sunday, January 26, 2014

Much needed painting practice

So I kicked off 2014 by selling my cintiq, updating my copic collection, and reverting back to my intuos 4.  I am finding, despite the precision problems I'm running into now that I don't have a nifty screen to draw directly on, I am happy with my decision.  I feel like my hurting hands have much more freedom to move with the intuos, giving them a much needed break and I am finally comfortable painting again.  My tiny 12" cintiq just wasn't getting used and I was sick of all the dust collecting on my desk.  Needless to say, I am enjoying working digitally again at home, and I look forward to working on my portfolio for this new year.

I started working on my "Morton" project again!  Really excited to dig back in, draw up some characters, rough out some boards, and design design design!

Happy 2014 y'all!

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